About Agriserv
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Fast-Track Services
Imported livestock vaccination
International Horse Quarantine
Investment Opportunities
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Special Quarantine Services
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Investment Opportunities
investing, operating, maintaining and managing the slaughterhouse of Samtah Governorate in Jazan Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock market in Baljurashi Governorate, Al-Baha Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock and fodder market in Al-Jumum Governorate, Makkah Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock and fodder market in the northern Riman Center in Dhariya Governorate, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the slaughterhouse of Muhayil Asir Governorate in Asir Region
Investing, operating, maintaining, and managing the Jazan City slaughterhouse in the Jazan Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the Hafr Al-Atash slaughterhouse in Ramah Governorate, Riyadh Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the fish market in Jazan city
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock market and the fodder market in Riyadh Al-Khabra Governorate, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock and fodder market in Khasiba Center, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock and fodder market in Al-Qawara Center in Uyun Al-Jiwa Governorate, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the new livestock and fodder market in Dhariya Governorate, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock and fodder market in Al-Bateen Center, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock market in Uqlat Al-Suqour Governorate, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock and fodder market in Al-Muznib Governorate, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock and fodder market in Shari Center, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the vegetables, fruits and meat market in Ain Fahid Center in Al-Asiyah Governorate, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock and fodder market in Qusayba Center, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock and fodder market in Al-Shamasiyah Governorate, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the vegetables and fruits market in Quba Center in Al-Asiyah Governorate, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the new vegetables and fruits market in Dhariya Governorate, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the vegetables and fruits market in Dukhna Center in Al-Rass Governorate, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock and fodder market in Al-Petra Center, Qassim Region
Investing, operating, maintaining and managing the livestock and fodder market in Al-Khushaibi Center in Al-Rass Governorate, Qassim Region