1- Having an established apiary (stationary or mobile)
2- Numbering the cells and sealing them with a non-removable seal.
3- Making a board measuring not less than 50 x 80 centimetres of sheet metal that is fixed at the apiary in a clear place with the data of the apiary.
4- It is required for the fixed apiary to bring a true copy of a legal or statutory document for the site (ownership deed, lease contract, agricultural decision, or lease contract from the Ministry).
5- Enter the coordinate of the site in the Nama platform.
6- The apiary should not be in an arid desert area that lacks pastoral bee plants.
7- The apiary must be far enough away from population centres.
8- The apiary should be far from sources of pollution such as pesticide or fertilizer warehouses.
9- The apiary should be away from sources of odors that are repulsive to honey bee communities, such as poultry projects and animal barns.
10- The apiary should not be so close to another apiary site that it causes issues and conflicts resulting from the phenomenon of theft behaviour between apiary communities and feeding the bees with alternatives during non-flowering seasons.
11- Not to move the apiary from its current location unless after obtaining an apiary transfer permit from the Ministry's branch in the area to which the apiary is transferred.
12- The distance to the nearest residential communities in flat areas: 5 kilometres
13- The distance to the nearest residential communities in mountainous areas: 3 kilometers
14- The distance to the nearest apiary 500 meters
15- The distance of the road from the site: 500 meters
16- The distance to the nearest sources of pollution (such as fertilizer and pesticide stores): 10 kilometres
17- The distance to the nearest sources of odours that are repulsive to honey bee communities (such as livestock barns, poultry farms): 10 kilometres.
1-The new apiary's coordinates 2-State the reason for the transfer
Ensure that the remaining license life is less than three months
Stating the reason for cancellation